This little lion was discovered in a private zoo in southern Lebanon.
He was only a couple months old, living with a sad dog in a small concrete enclosure. He is just one victim of the illegal trade of big cats.
The lion cub and the dog kept each others company in these difficult times.
Many big cats die from disease and improper care. We needed to get him out before he suffered more
We were able to convince the owner to surrender the lion, now named Stuart. After three months all of his paperwork and permits were in order and he was ready to travel. A wildlife vet, Dr. Ian Sayers, came to Lebanon to do all the veterinary checks for Stuart.
Early Friday morning we took Stuart to the Beirut airport for this flight though Dubai and finally to Cape Town.
On 1 June his new life started. Stuart reached the Drakenstein Lion Park, a beautiful sanctuary for rescued predators. Stuart is the forth lion from Animals Lebanon to have made it to this sanctuary, and he is 15th big cat rescued by Animals Lebanon.
Thank you to everyone who made it possible to save this young lion from a life alone at a zoo. He will now spend the rest of his life in
large natural enclosures with other lions and expert care.
Donate now and you can make it possible to rescue other lions in desperate need!
There are other big cats suffering in terrible conditions your contribution now can free them from this suffering and give them a new life!